During the entire month of June, my co-worker Amanda and I worked super hard in the Bake Lab. Every day we slaved away, sweating and toiling. I thought I should re-cap what a typical morning looked like for us.
8:30 AM - Arrive in lab. Turn on oven to heat up.
8:30-9:00 - Check for non-existent important e-mails and surf various food blogs for inspiration.
9:00-9:05 - Load oven with cookies.
9:05-9:17 - Hover around oven to ensure cookies are properly baked.
9:18-9:19 - Remove cookies from oven.
9:20- 10:00 - Mix and deposit a fresh batch of cookie dough (molasses!)
10:00-10:15 - Plate baked cookies on trays.
10:15 - 10:30 - Walk trays-o-cookies over to the College of Agriculture.
10:30-10:50 - Wash dirty dishes and moderately tidy up lab.
10:50-11:15 - Check e-mail. Call egg-ladies. Is it lunch time yet?
11:15-11:25 - Discuss what we will be making for lunch.
11:25- 12:00 - Track down Dave and bother him for something to do.
12:00 - LUNCH!
Lunch is unquestionably the most important part of our day. Typical lunches range from massive colorful salads to poached eggs on toast with Call Hall cheese. Generally, lunches are funded by Amanda's huge garden. She brings the goods. I eat the goods.
Amanda made "kosher" pickles. They were not blessed by a rabbi though. I asked.
Gargantuan salad!
This is an Ice Creamy Joy. I made it with leftover cinnamon test-bake cookies and Call Hall ice cream. Don't worry. I shared it with Amanda. It's probably the only thing I contributed to lunch that day.
After enjoying our sacred lunch hour, our afternoon work activities vary greatly. Major projects for the month included sanding down tables, steam-blasting racks, cleaning-out the storage room, and cleaning out the freezer. It's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it.