- Obscenely large trucks
- Two-step dancing
- Blue Baker & co-workers
- My roommate's TiVo
- Fresh seafood in grocery stores
- the possiblity of eating at Sushi restaurants
- Hilarious yet intriguing and intellectual conversations with my roommate
However, there are things I will not miss about TX:
- Killing enormous cockroaches
- Road medians
- 110 degree weather everyday
- Stop light cameras
- Sweating the moment I step outside
- geckos
- crazy drivers
Home for the summer
View from my home in IOWA!
Whenever my older brother or I come home from college, my Mom likes to prepare a nice dinner for our first meal. It's a tradition I highly enjoy. However, I get a lot of grief from my family about the food I eat. With two brothers and a Kansas-farm-raised father, I often get questioned for why I frequently choose black beans over beef, carrots over BBQ potato chips, and tuna over pork chops. In general, I don't eat exactly how a girl raised in rural Iowa would eat. But mostly, I think my food selection is always a popular conversation because it's just an easy way to tease me.
So, for one of my first meals back home my Mom made roast beef, corn on the cob and potatoes. And fresh fruit. Very American. Very delicious.
Later I made some cookies for dessert:Kitchen Sink Cookies- Oatmeal, PB chips, chocolate chips & Rice Krispis
My Mom and I are driving west to Omaha tomorrow to spend the day in the city. We're going to a "paint your own pottery" shop in the afternoon to spend a couple hours creating our own pottery masterpieces. Should be a fun afternoon.
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