
Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am taking a break from my mammoth BioChem study session to post some food pictures. I have a test in BioChemistry and Engineering Graphics tomorrow, so I will be feeling much less anxious after 6:30 tomorrow evening. Right now, however, I'm trying to cram as much information about aldehydes, ketones, esters, amides and carbohydrates into my brain as possible.

Last weekend I traveled home for the long weekend. K-State had fall break so I had Monday off and was able to go home for my little brother's homecoming parade and football game. Many wonderful foods were eaten.

Vegetable Salad

Cheesy Potatoes & BBQ Pulled Pork

It's a fall (and winter & spring & summer) tradition in our household to make caramel popcorn. As a family we've been making the sweet crunchy kernels for many years and have virtually perfected the recipe now. When I lived in Chicago a couple summers ago, I had access to Garrett's caramel popcorn. Garrett's takes caramel popcorn extremely seriously and once you've tasted their buttery rich version of the treat, it's hard to submit your taste buds to any other version. So we experimented with a variety of different caramel popcorn recipes and have finally found one that compares the Garrett's caliber. Normally, my Dad is in charge of popping the popcorn and I stir up the caramel sauce. Then we pour the syrup over the kernels and stir up the popcorn together. This is very addicting stuff.

My Mom made apple pie. But not just you're run-of-the-mill apple pie. She made a Caramel Pecan Cinnamon Apple pie. Instead of another crust on top, it's covered in struesel. Very delicious with vanilla ice cream.

For the non-pie eaters of the family, my Mom also made an ice cream cake roll. It's a chocolate sponge cake rolled with vanilla ice cream. Ice cream cake roll is another family tradition. It's my grandmother's recipe and she's famous for always having it in her freezer.

Week 6 of marathon training got devoured by studying for 3 exams, writing a paper, homework and working in a bakery. Running should resume to semi-normal this week. Hopefully sleeping will resume to semi-normal this week too. Okay, back to studying!

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed with the pictures ... very food porn. Looks delish.

    As far as marathon. power to you. I just ran my half marathon yesterday ... ouch. I believe in you.
