
Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Desk at King Arthur Flour

Today marks my 9th day of employment at the great King Arthur Flour. Thus far I've trained in dealing with customer service, answering questions on the baker's hotline, responding on the baker's live chat, feeding and preparing the sourdough starter and baking in the test kitchen. Additionally, my group is responsible for maintaining & interacting with a couple social medias such as Facebook and Twitter. For now, I still cringe slightly every time my phone rings, as I never know what lies the other side. I very frequently bombard my co-workers with questions and frantic pleas. I applaud them for not killing me yet.

Because my employment at King Arthur represents my first real job, I thought I should document this moment by sharing some photos of my desk.

My name badge. Complete with a KAF magnet. I would also like to take this moment to relay that my initials are K.A.F. King Arthur Flour's initials are also K.A.F. We're twins- destined to be together.

My complimentary bi-weekly loaf of bread. However, I will say I have come home with 3 loaves of bread (Rye, Flax Seed and Organic Miche) and some multi-grain pancakes since I started. I either need to begin an all-carb diet or quickly develop a mass of friends. The Baking Sheet magazine pictured above is a bi-monthly magazine King Arthur produces loaded with recipes and luscious images to drool over.

Just a couple of my written resources. Most baker's wedge 5-6 commonly used baking books in their space to use as references. Another constant tool is the KAF website. I probably spent 30 hours looking at all the pages last week and still haven't covered everything.

Here is my first bag of King Arthur flour! I chose White Whole Wheat because I've never had the opportunity to play with one before. I'm plotting with some recipes to experiment.

As I near the end of my two-week employment streak, I am pleased to say I thoroughly enjoy working at King Arthur. Happy Baking everyone!


  1. Kels! This news makes me so happy. Good pictures. If you get too overloaded with bread/cookies you can always ship some out to Manhattan. They will be received with love. :)

  2. Kelsey Ann! KAF destiny it is. I never thought of that coinkidink. Love it!

    P.S. I joined the KAF facebook group/like it page today. I guess I better be a groupie since you work there.

  3. Epic Life and adventures of a RECENT college graduate and baker. Thanks for updating that. Oh an your about me link isn't working.

  4. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying KAF so far, Kelsey! It was nice to meet you this week. I LOVE white whole wheat flour - sneak it into nearly everything I bake. I highly recommend our Tasting is Believing Whole Grain Brownies...

  5. I was just commenting to Cyndi how I'd love to send you some baked goodies...but it sounds like you are covered well! Also, I may not make it to the post office before they would mold! See how active my blog is...that is how active my life is. I'm in class right now learning about latin words like "sartorius".

  6. Welcome, Kelsey! As the person who puts together The Baking Sheet and used to teach Cooking Theory and Food Science, I'm looking forward to catching up to you and talking shop. KAF is my fourth career, and I can tell you you're starting in a place that a lot of people dream of being able to be a part of. We're mighty glad you're here. Susan Reid

  7. Yea Kelsey! It's so nice to have you over the cubicle "fence", laughing and learning and teaching us too. 9 days will be 9 years before you know it!
    ~ MaryJane
