
Friday, October 29, 2010

Tejal Visits Vermont

My beautiful sister-in-law came to visit me in Vermont last week. She travel 2,964 miles to see me. And Vermont. But mostly me. She's cool like that.

I tried to plan lots of Vermonty activities for us to do while she was visiting , but quickly found out there aren't a lot of things to do in rural Vermont. Mostly, we ate a lot of food, browsed many shops and gawked at nature.

Thursday we tooled around in White River Junction, Vt and found a Lampscapes shop. Oh yes, this man designs and paints lamps.

I took her to my place of employment and the retail store.

I ate Pumpkin Chocolate Chip pancakes at Lou's Diner in Hanover, NH. Tejal had an un-pictured omlet.

We tripped up a mountain to view the Von Trapp (As in The Sound Of Music Von Trapp) Family Lodge. It was quite beautiful but there wasn't much to do...

We hit up the Norwich Farmer's market Saturday.

In this picture we standing over the Connecticut River in-between Vermont & New Hampshire.

We went to the Ben & Jerry's Factory! It wasn't the awesome factory that I had built up in my mind, but we still got free ice cream.

We spent some time rummaging around the Vermont Salvage. This building was brimming with old doors, antique cupcoards, sinks and other random house items.

Most of the leaves are off the trees now. Foilage is ending! Thank-you for coming to visit me Tejal! Vermont (and I) miss you!


  1. such beautiful pictures! sounds like you guys kept busy exploring the wonders of the area. Yay!

  2. I'll take that table. Actually I could probably make my own. I could also probably start my own Lindahl salvage shop. Maybe I should add that to my pancake shop.

    Hey anytime ice cream is free = great trip.
    And you two are beautiful, just saying!
